Your specialised consultation will address; eye health diagnostics (including Keratoconus) and necessary referrals; specialised instruction for the use of contact lenses, OrthoKeratology, or sclerals; and spectacle prescriptions as per expectation and recommendation.

Myopia Control
Dr Trevor Williams uses highest industry technology with evidence based diagnosis and management to slow the progression of myopia.

Testing & Equipment
All of the equipment and technology is chosen specifically by Trevor to create better performance and measurements, rich in detail for detection of early signs of eye disease and correction.

Eye Care
Regular comprehensive eye examinations are recommended to ensure your eye health and to detect any changes as early as possible.
Keratoconus is a treatable eye condition
that is managed with regular eye health checks
and OrthoK or Scleral contact lenses. For
surgical correction a referral will be sent to
the respective ophthalmologist.